About me

Hi, and welcome. I'm a junior in college studying economics at GWU.

I've mostly created this blog to respond in my free time to a policy proposal called Uber For Welfare, promoted relentlessly by Twitter personality Morgan Warstler.

Ironically, I share many of Warstler's apparent concerns about the various problems and failures with our current welfare system. Like most professional economists, however, I do not consider UFW a particularly rigorous or thoughtful approach. It also does not make any serious attempt to grapple with even the most basic points of criticism invariably aimed at such proposals. Thus far Warstler's writing on this has avoided grappling with technical issues and basic empirical problems entirely. It is almost exclusively political, written to troll opponents and flatter the sensibilities of partisans.

For these reasons I think that UFW has on balance been harmful for those of us who are making genuine efforts to pursue real, market-based solutions to welfare issues.

Professional and academic economists have for the most part ignored Warstler's scheme, which is probably the wisest course of action. I, unfortunately, have a weakness for trolls, and a fondness for crank / fringe theories. I have written elsewhere on Lyndon LaRouche's global railroad scheme, Gene Ray's Time Cube metaphysics, and the bizarre "economics" of Cyber-Communism.

The reader who acquaints himself with Warstler's Twitter behavior will appreciate my preference to remain anonymous.
